The Realistic-Setting Fighting School of Toribash


This page is designed to organize sparring times for every genre of fighter we are training. We will try to organize sessions for every student and we encourage joining sessions that you are eligible for (advanced students should not be joining beginner sessions, for example). Teachers, please create the rooms (or if a student arrives early and creates it, please pass operatorship to a teacher.) and set difficult passwords (you can set random characters, as no one will be using the password to enter), then manually approve every participant via force-enter to ensure that only our students join. Kick out all unsporting participants or participants that do not fit the sparring category (kick out advanced participants out of beginner spars etc) and try to stay out of the sparring in beginner rooms (advanced students can spar with teachers if they have a chance at winning).

Beginner Sparring Times

Room name: BegRSFSoT
Time: 20:00 - 21:00 (0:00 GMT)

Advanced Sparring Times

Room name: AdvRSFSoT
Time: 20:00 - 21:00 (0:00 GMT)